Preparing for a Tournament
Time and time again, you hear the statement “it’s so difficult to eat healthy when traveling”. Although I would agree with this to some extent, I also know it’s partly an excuse and a lack of preparation. Being away from your normal environment such as your home kitchen and training facility, and staying in an unfamiliar city in a hotel room without knowing what restaurants and grocery stores are around can certainly deter you from making the best choices. Athletes (and their parents/care-takers if younger) can improve this process by taking a few extra steps to prepare.
P- PLAN! I always say “a failure to plan is a plan to fail” and it’s so true in many aspects of your life. Think ahead and ask yourself…”How long is the flight or car ride and will I need to bring snacks so I’m not tempted to by the junk in airports?”. “Will my hotel room have a mini fridge and microwave in the room?” “Will there be any meals eaten together as a team and provided for me?” “What city are we staying in and what grocery stores or restaurants are around the hotel?” After asking yourself these questions, you can begin to formulate a plan for your travel.
R- RESOURCES! Gather the necessary resources to keep you fueled and on track. Pack a snack bag for the flight. Items that can be included are:
Beef/Turkey Jerky or Epic Bars
Rx Bars, Lara Bars, Perfect Bars, Kize Bars
Nuts, Seeds, and Trail Mixes
Dried fruit, freeze-dried fruit such as apple chips
Almond butter/coconut butter individual packets
Justin’s Almond Butter w/ dried bananas or pretzels
Fresh fruit (apples, oranges, bananas)
Single serving guacamole or hummus
Applesauce packets/Smoothie packets
Roasted chickpeas
Fruit leathers
Popcorn (made with coconut oil and sea salt)
Pre-made smoothies/juices with no added sugar
Veggie sticks (carrots)
Ready to make oatmeal (just ask for hot water at a coffee shop)
***Homemade energy balls and cans of tuna/salmon can also be packed in any checked bags for later use.
Bring a stainless steel water bottle with you so that you can refill whenever possible. Remember, traveling can easily dehydrate you so try to drink water as much as possible. It might be a good idea to drink an Emergen-C, Airborne, Phizz, or Drip Drop beforehand or during travel for extra electrolytes and vitamins to keep your immunity up since traveling exposes you to more germs.
If traveling by car, bring a cooler to keep in the car and possibly a thermos to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.
Do your research. If your hotel has a mini fridge and microwave, you can stop by a local grocery store and stock it with yogurt, fruit, boiled eggs, and store any leftovers from meals. Oatmeal packets are a quick and easy breakfast that can be made in your room. Throw some trail mix on top and you’ve got some healthy fats and protein as well. If a buffet style meal is served as a team and you are allowed, take some extra with you for later such as deli meat, veggies and lettuce for a quick wrap. Fruit and tea for a snack, soup in a coffee cup, etc.
E- EXECUTE! Once you’ve done your research and gathered the necessary resources, execute your plan. More than likely, doing so will save you money, time, and your body will perform better and recover faster after being nourished with healthier options rather than flying by the seat of your pants and grabbing fast food in a pinch. Also, have a recovery plan if your team doesn’t already have one in place. Bring a ready-to-drink protein drink or a smoothie packet that can replenish your glycogen and provide protein for muscle repair within 30 minutes of performing. Then, you have given yourself a window to find a decent meal for after.
P- PROGRESS! Each time you travel, you will get better and better at planning and preparing for what’s to come. But, you have to start! Remember, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “You can’t compete with what you eat!”